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Real Story of claiming Ulleungdo• Dokdo in the 17th century
Who is Ahn Yong-Bok?
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Who is Ahn Yong-Bok?
Main Characters
Part 1 The First Encounter between the Fishermen of the Two Countries in 1692
Tottori Han’s Records and the Japanese Captains’ Records on the First Encounter
March 27, 1692, the Date Which Changed Sir Ahn Yong-Bok’s Fortune
Sir Ahn Yong-Bok at First Thought It Was a Japanese Territory of Jukdo
King Taejong and King Sejong of Choseon Performed the Island Evacuation policy
Taking Over of the Empty Island by the Japanese Fishermen
Choseon People Starts to Sail to Ulleungdo
Choseon People’s Sailing to Ulleungdo Was Done Secretly Without the Government’s Awareness
Tottori Han Needed Ulleungdo Abalones to Use as a Gift
The Tottori Han’s Shock Following the Abandonment of Ulleungdo Fishing
Part 2 Sir Ahn Yong-Bok and Park Eo-Dun Taken to Japan in 1693
What is Park Eo-Dun’s Social Status?
The Choseon Records Regarding the Choseon Fishermen’s Sailing to Ulleungdo in 1693
Sir Ahn Yong-Bok and Park Eo-Dun Get on the Japanese Vessel
Sir Ahn Yong-Bok and Park Eo-Dun in Oki Islands in 1693
Part 3 Our Territory Ulleungdo, Your Territory Jukdo
The Third Lord Soh Yoshizane, Who Had Saved Tsushima Han
Tsushima Han Believed that Choseon Had Given Up Ulleungdo
Who is Gyul Jin-Jung, Who Had Been Selected as the Japanese Negotiator
Gyul Jin-Jung crossed over to Busan in November 1693
At the Time, the Southern Faction Regime of Choseon Chose Hong Jung-Ha as Reception Commissioner
A Heated Discussion Over the Sovereignty of Ulleungdo During Vis-a-vis Ritual
Finally the Agreement is Reached for the Japanese to be Able to Use Ulleungdo
Part 4 Main Prime Minister Nam Gu-Man Versus Tsushima Lord Soh Yoshizane
Tsushima Han, Seeking a Complete Acquisition of Ulleungdo, Asked for Renegotiation
Reemergence of Nam Gu-Man and Yun Ji-Wan
Choseon Government Changing Their Position Dramatically and Getting Tough on the Issue
The New Reception Commissioner Yu Jip-Il Showed His Talent at Negotiations
Sir Ahn Yong-Bok’s Account on What Happened in Japan Gives a Big Boost to the Choseon Government
The Negotiations between Yu Jip-Il and Gyul Jin-Jung Who Had Different Goals
Nam Gu-Man’s Clear Philosophy on Ulleungdo and Commitment Not to Give in
Nam Gu-Man Who Breaks the Diplomatic Customs Between the Two Countries
Previous Lord Soh Yoshizane Returns to the Front Line
Part 5 The Four Questions and Threat of War by Japanese
The Four Questions by Gyul Jin-Jung (= Tada Yozaemon)
Gyul Jin-Jung (= Tada Yozaemon) Being Repatriated by Slanderous Remarks
The Public Opinion by the Japanese in Busan Japanese Mission
Absurdity of Tada Yozaemon’s Claims
Part 6 Give Up Ulleungdo or Start a War, Japan Shogunate’s Choice
The Argument to Give up Ulleungdo, Which is Getting More Support in Tsushima Han
The People in the Shogunate at Edo Who Were Responsible for the Policy-making
Tottori Han’s Circumstances on Having to Give Up on Abalone Harvest in Ulleungdo
Tsushima Lord Soh Yoshizane’s Background Work in Advance
Lord Soh Yoshizane’s Accounts on What Happened So Far
Roju Abe Masatake Tries to Find the Facts
The Island Jukdo Belongs to Neither Inaba Nor Houki
The Japanese Shogunate Makes a Final Decision to Give Up Ulleungdo
Part 7 Sir Ahn Yong-Bok’s Second Charge Toward Japan in 1696
Sir Ahn Yong-Bok Sails to Ulleungdo Again in 1695
Sir Ahn Yong-Bok Comes Up With a Scheme to Falsely Represent Himself As a General in Charge of Tax Administration of the Two Islands: Ulleungdo and Dokdo
In May 1696, Sir Ahn Yong-Bok Gives a Pursuit of Japanese Ships
During the Chase They Drift Away and Goes to Oki Islands Again
They Went to Houki But Were Captured
The Head Steward Arao of Tottori Han Suddenly Treats Them Well and Meets With Sir Ahn Yong-Bok
The Shogunate Prohibits Choseon People from Landing and Orders to Send Them to Nagasaki
A File for Complaint Against the Lord of Tsushima Han Brings Big Turmoil
Due To Tsushima Han’s Scheme the Shogunate Urges Sir Ahn Yong-Bok and His Company to Return Home and Not Go to Nagasaki
The Reason Sir Ahn Yong-Bok Returned Home on Tottori’s Recommendation Without Any Complaint
Tsushima Han Asking Sir Ahn Yong-Bok for Forgiveness
Part 8 Tsushima Han’s Offensive to Kill Sir Ahn Yong-Bok
Nam Gu-Man and Yun Ji-Wan, Who Were Favorable Toward Sir Ahn Yong-Bok, Retired
Sir Ahn Yong-Bok’s Bibyeonsa Statement Which Shocked the Choseon Government
Choseon Government Wrongly Interpreting Sir Ahn Yong-Bok’s Statement
Tsushima Han, Looking to Improve the Atmosphere by Inviting an Envoy to Celebrate the Inauguration of the New Lord
Tsushima Han Verbally Notifying the Sovereignty over Ulleungdo
Killing Ahn Yong-Bok is a Wrong Scheme
Tsushima Han Requested for Severe Punishment on Sir Ahn Yong-Bok
Since You Say that You Had Contributed in the Shogunate’s Decision, We Will Not Reproach Your Past Faults
It is Ahn Yong-Bok’s Contribution That Made the Japanese to Yield
Documentation of Sovereignty over Ulleungdo Taking another Two Years
Chronology of Ulleungdo and Dokdo since 17th century
Epilogue A Little Difficulty in Tracking Historical Traces of Sir Ahn Yong-Bok